Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 09

Our Easter weekend was full. It started with me teaching two classes on Friday.

Saturday, I taught another class then went shopping afterward. It took me three hours to go to Sam's, King Soopers and Mardel's - a trip that would normally only take an hour and a half. It seemed as if everyone waited until the day before Easter to shop. It was worse than Christmas.

That evening, Vance and the boys went with Grandpa to an Elk's Foundation Banquet. The boys love doing this because they get to bid on silent auctions. They both spent their own money to do so, but unfortunately they came home disappointed that they didn't win any of the auctions. Vance, however, won and added another gun to his collection.

Easter morning I got up early to get everyone breakfast and dye Easter eggs. I had boiled all the eggs the night before and had planned the day so we could get to our family gathering on time.

The egg dying did not go well. Morgan, Kael, Rachie and Will couldn't get the hang of NOT cracking the eggs as they dropped them into the dye - what a mess. We lost almost a dozen eggs.

I had also planned on going to church (the late service) that morning. Since egg dying didn't go as planned and I wasn't able to get everyone bathed and dressed and get myself ready too, we missed church altogether. I can't remember the last time I didn't go to church on Easter.

I had also planned on putting a ham in the oven that morning, but forgot and I was supposed to make potato salad and coleslaw for our family get-together and didn't get to either of those. So, with a little bit of stressful conversation, Vance took the cooking and I took on getting everyone dressed and somewhat presentable.

It snowed all that morning (see the pictures above). I believe we got more than a foot at our house. It was a very heavy and wet snow. I remember the days growing up in California when Easter brought a pretty, sleeveless dress and high-healed shoes. I had dresses picked out for the girls, but they wore bright colored sweat suits and I ended up wearing jeans.

Although I was annoyed at my husband for saying so he was right about how I put unrealistic expectations on these kinds of events and when I get frustrated and disappointed that things didn't go as planned it makes everyone around me miserable. I was miserable for about an hour and just wished I could have stayed home. Slowly, but surely I was able to feel better and just enjoy watching my kids enjoy themselves.

Lesson learned (I hope ;).


Alexis said...

I was reading that thinking "Wow! She had a lot planned!" I didn't realize I'd be siding with Vance...;)

It looks like you all had a blast!

Cherish said...

Rachel, I can soooo relate. I totally do the same thing and am then told the same thing by my hubby too. Glad you were able to enjoy it in the end!