Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One of those Good Days

Yesterday, was a bit of a full day. VBS in the morning then baseball practice at 5pm. Vance has taken on the role of coach this year. The whole family went to the practice. Surprisingly, no one got hurt :).

When we got home from practice I started making dinner and everyone else went outside. When I looked out the windows this is what I saw...

The picture above is my son Glen mowing the property with Will along for the ride.

Then I saw Rachie pulling the twins around in the
wagon. Daddy was watering and Ryan was pulling weeds (he also got a turn on the lawn mower). Sometimes it just amazes me how well we can work as a family if we try. No one was fighting or screaming and everyone was having a good time.
On top of all that, I was in the house alone. This hardly ever happens. What a great quiet time. And, a great family time.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I can't see your picture :(

I think my kids need more "projects". The fighting has been unbearable lately...I know it could be worse but it's plenty annoying just the same.

On a purely literary note... I really love to read about the controlled chaos of your everyday. The honesty in your "voice". :)

And that moment alone in a quiet house....priceless.