Friday, June 13, 2008

Where Did I go?

I missed a day - and - I actually missed being able to blog (what a word). Have you ever had one of those days that was filled with things to do, but still felt like it was a leisurely day? Today was like that for me.

I woke up at 5am this morning and did my cycling class at Villa Sport. For those of you who don't know I work at Villa. I teach two classes a week. It keeps me in shape (somewhat) and I get paid a little extra to help with gas money. It was a great class. I did a Motown theme and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun with that.

Normally, when I get home after this early morning class everyone is still asleep and I can take a bath and do my devos, but this morning everyone was awake. Today was payday for Vance's employees so I had to sit at the computer for about 15 minutes doing payroll while Rachie and the twins chatted about how hungry they were (maybe chatted isn't the right word ;).

Finally, I got them breakfast and started getting everyone ready for VBS. I wanted to spend the entire day there to take video of all the kids and their activities so I had to take the twins, too. Amazingly, I still got in a bath and devotions and we were out the door by 8:15am - including our two neighbors kids. Me and 9 kids in our mystery van. (I'll have to look back to see if I've written about that yet.)

We all had a great time at the last day of VBS - I got everyone reloaded into the van, went to the bank real quick, came home and fixed everyone lunch. I was supposed to have the carpets cleaned today, but by the time 1pm rolled around I was exhausted. So, I called the carpet people, rescheduled, put the twins to bed, told everyone else to go outside and play and I took a two hour nap.

At about 4pm Vance came home and had a friend over for beer on the porch and I sat out there with them visiting for about an hour. I watched the news - then Vance's parents came over with the best gift ever!!! Dinner!!! I didn't have to cook and on top of that they brought a Father's Day ice cream cake and it totally hit the spot of my chocolate craving I'd been having all day!!!! We visited and watched home movies. What a great night.

But, the main reason for today's blog was I wanted to document what I got out of today's devos. You know, now that I think about it, there were so many principles that hit home today. One, on the way to my 5:30 cycling class I listen to Haven Today - he was talking about how easy it is to get worried when times of financial struggle hit. I've been tempted even this week to get anxious about the times ahead (gas prices, housing, the war, the election, etc.) but, this takes away from any expectation that I should have to see what God will do. I'm looking forward to seeing His consistent faithfulness.

Then, on the way home from class I get to listen to Allistair Begg - his message centered around the man that Jesus healed of blindness by spitting in dirt then putting it on his eyes. Can you imagine? The creator of the universe making mud out of spit and then putting it on your eyes then, once you wash it off, you can see?!!! It's such a blessing to hear and read about the character and personality of Jesus.

At home I read about commitment, "It is my commitment to God that gives strength and stability to my other commitments." Kay Arthur. My choir and vocal ensemble may hear me say this many, many times over the next few months. So many times we make commitments, but then waiver. Kay Arthur goes on to say..."You may say, 'But what if I can't keep my commitment to God?' O Beloved, you can for God is the keeper." Even our commitment to Him is in His hands. What a great reminder.

All of these things were encouraging and faith building for me today and I hope they are to you, as well.

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