Saturday, June 28, 2008

Uh oh!

I had a doctor's appointment and ultrasound yesterday. I wasn't feeling all that great and I told the ultrasound tech when she asked that I felt like maybe I was having a little kidney pain. It wasn't horrible and completely bearable. Nothing like when I had kidney stones with the twins. I've told people in the past that I'd rather have all of my kids over again without pain medication than to ever have kidney stones again.

The baby looked great. He's about a foot and a 1/2 and over 4lbs. Then she said, "Lets just look at your kidneys to see if there's anything going on." She looked at my right kidney first, which is the one that I had trouble with in the past and sure enough there's a big 'ol kidney stone right in the middle. She measured 8mm. Ugh!!!! It's too big to pass so we'll just have to pray it stays right where it is until I deliver. Just eight more weeks to go. Then after I have the baby I'll have to go straight into surgery and get the darn thing removed. The left kidney is completely clear, by the way. The ultrasound machines never cease to amaze me. She looked at my whole system to make sure there wasn't anything being blocked. Everything is free and clear except for that ominous thing just waiting to wreak havoc.

So, if you think about it, while you're doing your daily prayer and reading if you could add one more thing to your list - just pray that either this stone just disappears or is kept at bay until after the baby gets here. This would be greatly appreciated.

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