Monday, June 9, 2008

The Twins

Where do I start? The biggest question I get right now being 7 months pregnant is "Are you having twins again?" My first knee-jerk reaction is "NO!! Thank you, GOD!!!" Having twins has been both extremely difficult and exhilarating at the same time.

I remember when I was pregnant with my second child, Ryan, one of my biggest worries was "How will I possibly love him as much as my first?" I couldn't imagine it. I should have talked to a mother of twins. The amount of love you can have for two babies at once could knock you over. That's the exhilarating part.

The difficult part...especially right now (they're almost 2) is the constant ear-piercing, screaming and fighting and crying and the whole ordeal we go through at every meal time. I feed them while they're in their high chairs any where from 3 to 5 times a day. I couldn't tell you how many bottles and sippy cups I fill (we go through 6 gallons of apple juice and 5 gallons of milk in a little over a week). The mess after each meal requires rubber gloves and a vacuum. Don't get me started about the diapers after all that water, juice and milk. Sometimes I think the whole house smells like pee. Alright that was probably too much info.

If I close my eyes for even 2 minutes (not exaggerating) they are either in my make-up, toilet, pantry, DVDs, toilet paper...oh, and markers are Kael's favorite. He's taken to coloring every color of the rainbow on his mouth. Morgan is a little more sneaky. She comes into my office and plays with the computer and somehow figures out how to change all my settings. I sell Mary Kay and they both find a way to get into the inventory closet, take the products out of the boxes and paint each other's backs with the lip liners and lipsticks they find.

After all this having just one is going to be a breeze. I know I will look back on all the pictures of the disasters they've created and laugh. I may even wish to relive the day. Right this second I could use a few more eyes, legs and hands to chase them around.

I love my babies :)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Even though I don't have twins...I totally get this. Totally!