Sunday, June 8, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Glen and Ryan (who from this point on I may call "The Boys") got to help lead worship at our church for all three services this weekend. I was so proud of them.

This reminds me...We (Vance and I) heard a radio program this week all about moms. It talked about how Christmas letters are just brag letters to friends and family about what geniuses their children are. The woman who was on the program went on to say how great and, sometimes, even godly to be "normal" instead of trying to make your kids something "special". Anyway, I told Vance that I was starting this blog and he joked that all I was doing was one of those bragging Christmas letters. So, bear with me a little as I brag.

This was the first year that the boys got to be on the VBS worship team. They've been wanting to do this for two years. They auditioned and were accepted and they practices for 6 weeks. Starting tomorrow they will lead about 400 children in worship for a week. They split the worship team into two teams because we have two weeks of VBS. Last week was the first and they had about 500 kids.

The boys are so excited about this opportunity and everything they get to do as being a part. Just take a look at the pictures. The theme of this year's VBS is Power Lab. They get to do experiments with dry ice and gooey stuff and they get to dress up like mad scientists. They really are having a blast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this is a PERFECT way to communicate with friends and family, I love your Homeade Salsa story behind it. The thing is, I can't even imagine how you manage everything you do with almost seven little ones! My four can't compare! Also, you always manage to look beautiful. We would love to come over, one day to try your delicious chips and salsa! God bless you and your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing this with us!!