Monday, November 17, 2008


Vance got up around 4am this morning to go down to the farm and hunt for deer. He was hunting with a bow. At 9:30am this morning he called and said he had shot a deer. A mule deer. I'm so excited. It's been hard living without meat. Vance's parents gave us a few pounds about a month or so ago. Our neighbors gave us several pounds after Vance's big hunting trip where he didn't harvest anything but our neighbor did and it was his first hunt.

So, we have meat! Here comes venison chili, spaghetti, meat loaf, tacos, shredded BBQ, crockpot roast, etc. Not to mention a delicious Thanksgiving venison roast. We give thanks to God for this blessing!

I'll send pictures soon.

1 comment:

Nicky Stade said...

Congratulations! I know where I'm spending Thanksgiving!! ;o)