Saturday, July 19, 2008

Adding Some New Elements

I had the opportunity this weekend to attend an informal song writing seminar with Brenton Brown. Worship music is definately high on my list of favorite music and Brenton Brown has written some of my favorites. Everlasting God, Hallelujah (You're Love is Amazing), Hosanna (Praise is Rising), Lord Reign in Me and many, many others.

Recently, I thought I would put my pen down because it's been so difficult to sit at the piano and actually work on my songs. I get a lot of inspiration which I still record on my digital recorder or write in my song book, but as Matt Redman says "Songwriting is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration." I've found that the perspiration part has been difficult. Every time I sit at the piano someone comes and sits on my lap and wants to play, too. I've asked Vance to build me a little Mommy Cottage on our property where I could play music and read and blog :) and basically, just be by myself for a little bit. He's got more important things to do right now. Like, get our addition built.

Recently, a couple from our church called me and asked if I would sing on their demo CD. I told them the timing wasn't quite right, but as we began to talk it turns out that they are open to collaberating with me on my songs and are willing to help me demo my songs, as well. I'm praying about it, but this could be a great relationship.

My point is, just when I'm about to give up, God has brought two things into my life to get me inspired again. Giving up is something I tend to do easily. Most of the time Vance is the one who gets me to keep on keepin' on.

There are two things that I would like to start doing in this blog - talk about music, which is a big deal in my life - and - talk about health and fitness, about which I have a bit of knowledge and I will start training again about 4 to 6 weeks after the baby is born. I may even do a before and after picture. Those are always fun.

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