Saturday, July 19, 2008

Well, the new washer and dryer arrived about and hour ago. They're still working on install. Lots of things have come up. We have a gas dryer and hook-up, but they brought and electric dryer - humph. The dryer also required a power cord which didn't come with it. The salesman didn't say anything about that so we had no idea. The delivery guys don't want to be held responsible for using the power cord from our old dryer, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, I've got a new washer :). I should be extremely happy. When we went to purchase the machines I opted for white to save $100. They have all sorts of colors now. Well, on Thursday the salesman called and said that the white ones were taking too long and would we be willing to have silver at no extra charge. I was totally excited and said, "yes". I was just thinking that very morning, "We're going to have these machines for 10 to 15 years, I could have gone with a cool color for just $100." What's $100 over 15 years? Well, my excitement has lessened. Perhaps because the color change is the reason the salesman forgot we need a gas dryer!

I know the story will end well. I'll keep you updated.

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